Next Meeting

Next Meeting:

Saturday 8th February at 2.30 pm. at Moulton Community Centre.

Keith Bartlem  “An Inspector Calls”

The talk is a pun on the play with the same title.  The talk is about some of Keith Bartlem’s experiences while a Seasonal Bee Inspector in the North East of England.  The talk covers practical aspects of beekeeping, hints and tips that Keith has picked up from inspecting, as well as a number of personal frustrations of the Bee Inspector role.

Keith Bartlem has been keeping bees for a while, having been introduced to honeybees whilst doing a student summer job as a gardener in the late 80’s.  Honeybees have been a bit of an obsession ever since then.  Keith has recently resigned as a Seasonal Bee Inspector after four years.  Keith is a Master Beekeeper, BBKA examiner, BBKA exam board member,, and active member of Richmond & District Beekeeping Association.  At present he runs twenty colonies in the North East of England, mostly on14 by 12’s.

















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