Some of our members offer a voluntary swarm collection service throughout the county. The list of volunteer collectors can be found on the BBKA website.
This service is purely for the removal of easily accessible Honey Bees.
Swarming is prevalent from May to July, but does depend on the weather. It is the bees form of multiplying.
A swarm of honey bees can be intimidating. Up to 30,000 bees in the air create a very loud buzz – birds vanish.
In fact, the bees in the swarm are full of honey and normally in a good mood.
The swarm eventually settles and everything goes quiet.
Very rarely a cherry picker is available to help with collection.
The swarm often settles in an inconvenient place.
Members of NBKA register with the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) to collect swarms locally.
If you have a swarm and want an experienced beekeeper to collect and remove it then click here to go to the BBKA find a Swarm Collector Site.