Welcome to
Northamptonshire Beekeepers' Association
This site is addressed to non-beekeepers seeking information and advice as well as to those considering the merits of beekeeping and to those who are already established beekeepers.
Welcome to
This site is addressed to non-beekeepers seeking information and advice as well as to those considering the merits of beekeeping and to those who are already established beekeepers.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday 12th April at Moulton Community Centre when Dave Bonner will talk on “Nucs” .
We are not expert in matters relating to bees other than honey bees and an email to us is not going to produce a useful response.
If you have a swarm in your garden or see one elsewhere then a swarm collector can probably help. They need to be attended to quickly. An email to us is unlikely to be of any use.
However if the swarm is on private land then it is not possible to do anything without the landowner’s consent
If you have a swarm of honeybees then click on the link below for more information
Help with a swarm.